Popliteal fossa
Vessels of the leg
M fibularis [peroneus] longus #
M tibialis anterior
M extensor hallucis longus $
M extensor hallucis longus #
M tibialis anterior, Tendo
A tibialis anterior •
M extensor digitorum longus
Malleolus lateralis
Retinaculum musculorum extensorum inferius
(Nodus lymphoideus tibialis anterior)
Caput fibulae
- Tuberositas tibiae
vasa lymphatica profunda
Tibia, Facies medians
Vv tibiales anteriores
Abb. 1407
Vessels of the anterior region of leg,
Regio cruris anterior;
the extensor muscles spread by retractors.
The superficial lymphatics regularly follow the major epifascial
veins and converge along the great saphenous vein to the
medial side of the leg. The deep lymphatics are found within
the connective tissue sheaths of the deep arteries and veins of
the leg.
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